What Is Your Latest Theory?

Week of January 8, 2003

Jan 8, 2003 at 4:00 am
Kevin Garber
Artist/Designer, Fishing Creek Studios
"My current theory is that there really haven't been two major political parties but always one the whole time -- corporate power, the Big Money Party. The Big Money team masquerades the two parties as a democracy, but it's not a democracy. It just gives the commoner a feeling there's a democracy."

Peggy McNulty
Manager, Spicer's 5 & 10
"The men of my generation are instinctively angry, I think, because women are so liberated -- as clichéd as that sounds. Men sense that their traditional roles have been altered, and they don't know how to treat us in return. [Women] should be equal, yes, but by creating all this equality we've left a void for the men, kind of left them hanging."

William Brazzell
Tutor, Harris-Stowe State College
"The more technologically sophisticated our society becomes, the dumber we get. We've got computers in the classroom now, yet we've graduated people who can't read or write. Today's average college graduate is on an educational par with a high-school graduate from 50 years ago."

Rick Streiling
Engineering Student, Washington University
"It's based on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states you never know with any certainty what someone's going to do. I think the same principle applies to the idea of predestination, that the Supreme Being can know that we'll get to a certain place in life but not know exactly how we'll get there or what decisions we'll make along the way."

Jim Voiss, S.J.
Theology Teacher, St. Louis University
"My latest theory is that thinking is much more an intrinsically emotional process than we imagine."

Marty Dellbringge
Auto Mechanic, Pizza Guy
"It's called the one-shoe theory. You know how you're driving along and you see one shoe sitting there in the street? It's always just the one shoe. Where's the other shoe? Well, I think there is no other shoe. Never was -- a one-legged person lost that shoe."