Cars Can Be Blue

Wednesday, November 30; Frederick's Music Lounge (4454 Chippewa Street)

Nov 30, 2005 at 4:00 am
If Revenge of the Nerds was correct in its theory that "all nerds think about is sex," then New Hampshire's Cars Can Be Blue must be the nerdiest band alive. On its debut album, All the Stuff We Do, this boy-girl duo proves itself more than capable of sweet and melodic indie-pop in the vein of Dressy Bessy or Tullycraft. However, guitarist-vocalist Becky and drummer Nate toss aside the "sweet" veneer the moment a good dirty-joke opportunity arises. And that opportunity arises frequently: "Abortion" and "Dirty Song" are explicit enough to make Luther Campbell blush. Even though they've had a rough time on tour — including a week stranded in Mississippi with a broken injection pump — their Frederick's show should be a raucous good time.